Team First Aid level 2 – Continuing training
Biarritz Sauvetage Côtier
The annual Team First Aid continuing training is compulsory for any person holding a diploma whose validity is subject to the holding of First Aid level 2 and wishing to continue to exercise the functions assigned to this specific diploma.
Continuing training course is open to any person holding the Team First Aid 2 wishing to update his knowledge and techniques, in order to be able to retain or renew the validity of his diploma for one year and continue in the functions assigned to this specific diploma.
Duration: 6 hours minimum
- Maintenance of pedagogical and/or technical knowledge;
- Updating and improving this knowledge;
- Acquisition of new techniques.
It is drawn up according to a five-year training plan (decree of 24 May 2000) containing all the points discussed in Team First Aid 2:
- The rescue team member
- Hygiene and asepsis
- The balance sheets
- Breaches related to circumstances
- Specific conditions
- Mental suffering and unusual behaviour
- Dressings and bandages
- Capital assets
- The lifts
- Stretchers and transport
- Situations with many victims
- Wrap-up
Throughout the training, trainees are assessed on:
- The realization of techniques reviewed and previously taught;
- The acquisition of new techniques and knowledge.
At the end of continuing training, an assessment is carried out, in order to decide whether or not to validate the participant in the continuing training. Failure to validate results in a temporary incapacity to perform the functions corresponding to the Team First Aid 2 qualification and requires an upgrade of knowledge, until a new favourable assessment is made. Validated candidates are given a Team First Aid level 2 Continuing Certificate.